Successful integration
Interview with:
Adriana Nuneva

Adriana Nuneva
Chief Digital Officer,
Adriana Nuneva has joined CWS-boco in December 2018 and thus after the initial milestones of Initial’s integration had already been achieved. She sees a lot of potential for the implementation of digital transformation in the newly strengthened company, Her mission is to support the new strategic direction through digitization efforts and by this to accelerate and strengthen profitable growth.
What are your duties at CWS-boco?
My task is to continue to drive forward CWS-boco’s digital transformation. Our day-to-day lives are increasingly digital and that starts with evolving customer expectations and needs. This development, which we see first and foremost in the B2C world, directly impacts the B2B world: for instance, private consumers expect the products they order online to arrive the next day and they choose the communication and transaction channels themselves. This expectation is being transferred successively into the business world. We must respond to that by trying to design our processes as customer-facing and efficiently as possible. Our digital transformation thus starts with the customer interface and from the customer’s perspective. We will gradually work our way through all processes within the Group.
What challenges must be overcome?
Digital transformation is a journey without a defined destination. Every day, there are new developments which we must examine for relevance to our business. There will be continuous change and improvement. The journey also requires a certain tolerance for errors because some things function fastest by trial and error. Other countries are ahead of Germany in that respect: in America or China something is simply tried out and then you learn and adapt. In German culture the rule is still that errors should be avoided to the extent possible – we have to learn to accept errors. What is important is that we draw the right conclusions from errors and carry on without delay.
What significance does digitalisation have for the other strategic priorities?
Digitalisation is not an end in itself but aims to accelerate and strengthen profitable growth. Digitalisation should thus support all strategic approaches.
What does the cooperation with Schacht One look like?
We work closely with Schacht One and consider our colleagues there to be valuable partners. They are involved in project operations and also act as strategic partners because they have an overview of all digital initiatives throughout the Haniel Group. In this way, we can learn from the experience gained by others.
What is the current status of the digital transformation at CWS-boco?
That is very diverse. There are projects which have already made good progress: for example, we have established an online shop for dust control mats, Mattenprofi. In addition, initial attempts are underway to equip various products with sensors to make it possible to learn from the data and optimise the underlying processes, as well as to generate new product offerings and solutions. Bar codes and RFID chips in articles of clothing represent a sound basis for digital networking. There are many other good ideas from various areas that can be brought together as an overall concept, which of course must be prioritised. CWS-boco is generally very open to and interested in digital concepts, and is very willing to test them out.
What digital milestones has CWS-boco already attained?
Mattenprofi has given us a valuable insight into online sales. The strategic investments in the three start-ups Jonny Fresh, FitAnalytics and Smixin offer wonderful opportunities to harvest ideas for our own business models. CWS-boco has an excellent sales and service organisation which has already automated a number of areas such as customer interaction and service. This represents a solid foundation on which we wish to expand.
What role does online selling play?
As I said before: customer behaviours are changing. I think that is clear to everyone in their own consumer behaviour. The online sales channel has also established itself in the B2B segment. We must offer customers those channels which they prefer when selecting, deciding and buying.
What are the next steps for the digital transformation?
We will now implement the digital transformation in a project organisation. To that end, we will hire several experts to work with selected colleagues from within the existing organisation on defined and prioritised projects. The CWS management team will set the priorities. This means we can ensure that all areas are involved. The colleagues at Schacht One will also provide us with support. In addition, we will also establish a Digital Advisory Board in order to gain external insights. We will start specifically with customer processes and systematically work our way inwards. The first two projects will focus on the topics Demand Generation, Increasing and Generating Demand and Customer Reach. It will be a journey which will also bring about changes to our corporate culture – not least in individual working methods. Therefore, constant communication and transparency will be paramount.
How do you see the future for CWS-boco?
CWS-boco has the potential to become the preferred, leading provider of sustainable and innovative digital services for customers in the fields of hygiene, workwear and facilities management. The digitalisation of the business models will play a vital role and will accelerate profitable growth.

„Digitalisation is not an end in itself but should rather accelerate and strengthen profitable growth – we seek to further advance this process.“